Here at Cool Streets© we have a dedicated team.
Dr Libby Gallagher
Dr Libby Gallagher is a practising landscape architect and director at Gallagher Studio. Libby’s delivered innovative public domain projects including parks, squares, and streets as well as strategic, policy and master plan projects in the UK, Canada, Malaysia and Australia.
Libby is committed to addressing climate change and the urban heat island effect in cities.
Her doctoral research at the University of Sydney focused on retrofitting streets to adapt
and address climate change. She has presented at a range of national and international conferences and has taught in undergraduate and graduate programs at UNSW, UTS
and USYD.
Sarah Reilly
Director, CRED
Sarah Reilly is the Director of Cred Consulting and has more than 20 years experience in community planning and community engagement. Sarah is the former Social Planning Chapter Convenor of the NSW Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) and a member of PIANSW, IAP2, and Australasian Housing Institute. She is currently a member of the Expert Reference Group for the Socially Sustainable Parramatta Policy.
Scott van den Boogaard
Senior Associate, Gallagher Studio
Scott van den Boogaard is a practicing landscape architect and Senior Associate at Gallagher Studio. Scott has significant experience managing complex projects such as the delivery of International Towers at Barangaroo for Lendlease and Western Sydney Stadium in Parramatta for Infrastructure NSW. As a former Senior Associate at Aspect Studios, Scott led a team that delivered a range of high profile public projects including the new Marrickville Library (Patyegarang Place) for Innerwest Council, Hunter Street in Newcastle, East End Stage 1 Streetscape Plan for the City of Newcastle Council and the Chinatown Laneways for the City of Sydney.
Wendy Zhu
Graduate Landscape Architect, Gallagher Studio
Ari Stein
Graduate Landscape Architect, Gallagher Studio
Rossana Ho
Researcher / Graduate Landscape Architect, Gallagher Studio